Q. How much does it cost to get an Estimate?
A. Estimates are free. Ace Custom Building will provide you with a written estimate at no charge to you. Just give us a call to set up an appointment.

Q. Can i get an itemized estimate? and are you able to help me choose the right material?
A. We provide you with an itemized estimate that specifies labor and material cost. We can also leave items of preference out of the estimate for your own convenience and we help with suggestions and references to obtain the right product.
Q. Do you do all the work yourselves?
A. We are family owned business. We take great pride in what we do and no one does it better, we use hand-picked subcontractors on occasion who are experts in their respective fields. All of our subcontractors are registered contractors and are licensed and insured.

Q. What are your forms of payment?
A. Once we have established a mutual agreement and obtain a signed standard contract. We require 50% down and balance upon completion. Or a weekly 25% and balance upon completion depending on size of project. We accept Cash, Checks, Pay Pal, and all major Credit Cards.